Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I'll Write This Later...

It has recently been pointed out to me that I haven't updated my blog in a while.  I have a very good reason for this... I'm lazy. 

Sure I have other reasons that may sound better.  My wife and I recently had our first kid.  I started a new job and was then fired from said job.  I've even been booked solid for months on the road and could argue that I've been doing to much travel to write for a blog that only five people read (Hi Mom!).  But in the end it's because I just don't manage my time well and it's much easier to waste time on the internet especially when it's literally just a click away. 

Comedy is a job that encourages laziness.  After all, I only work for at most an hour or two a day.  If I don't have to travel that leaves a lot of free time on my schedule.  Of course I could spend some of that doing something productive such as exercise or write comedy, but it's much easier to spend it doing nothing. 

It's amazing how easy it is to waste a day when you are on the road doing comedy.  Between sleeping in, watching TV, playing games on my smartphone, and screwing around online I am able to do less by 6pm then most people do by breakfast.  No wonder so many comics are overweight and look like they watch a lot of internet porn. 

Even comedy related projects like this blog are easy to postpone.  When you have an entire weekend free you tend to put things off knowing that you'll have plenty of time later.  The same goes for writing jokes, contacting bookers, and updating websites.  This of course becomes a problem from a business point of view. 

People rarely think about the business side of comedy, including many comedians.  Even though our job is to make people laugh, most of our time is devoted (or is supposed to be devoted) to networking with contacts, promoting ourselves and events, and working to get more bookings.  The comics who can't force themselves to spend time on these things are doomed for failure.  This is one reason why so many comedians and entertainers have agents and managers.  We need someone to give us the occasional kick in the butt and sometimes do some of the work for us. 

For those like me who aren't successful or wealthy enough to justify a manager or an agent, a nagging wife will suffice.  There is nothing more frightening then the look on you're wife face during a video chat when you explain to her that you spent the entire day in your underwear watching HBO while she has spent the day working, cleaning, and taking care of a colicky baby.  Once again honey I'm sorry your day was so rough and I promise I'll vacuum and take care of the trash just as soon as I get home. 

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